
Sunday, November 13, 2011

coffee cup

i start my day with a steaming cup of coffee, to stimulate myself, get me going for the whole-days' activity. but i guess today is gonna different, my first class went well the second is a question mark (?), we still don't have our room assignment till now. oh, how wonderful and annoying.

a steaming hot morning to everyone (smile)

Monday, November 7, 2011

what is this " maybe your class will be dissolve" mam?

what is this " maybe your class will be dissolve" mam?

dragging myself to the bathroom is not an easy thing to do, i exerted a large amount of effort for this.
even ate my breakfast at 8:10 in the morning instead of my usual ten am breakfast date with my lazy too, roommates.

we deserve to have this Filipino class.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

the suns UV rays

i think the sun is angry at me. she shines overly pretty, radiate like a jewel in the sky. i'm not gifted with my ideal color, yeah im aware of that. but, can she please lighten her UV rays atleast? so that i wont buy extra sets of sunblock?

budget is kinda tight, everybody feels the effect of poverty but nevertheless gamble there last penny to look fine, its myself i am describing now.

oh well. gotta go and have another bath.